Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Joe and Maggie

This blog is about mine and Jake’s “children”, Joe and Maggie. They are both black labs. Very energetic, loving and fun. They are the sweetest dogs that I’ve ever had.

Maggie is technically mine. She’s almost a year old and comes from a great bloodline. Her father and grandfather are master hunters. However, since we do not have a place to live nor do we have much money right now we feel it is best to give up one of the puppies so we are giving Maggie to Jake’s dad. We’ll still be able to breed Joe to her, but she won’t be ours anymore. A lot of the pictures are blurry because it was really hard to have them sit still.

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Our other puppy and the one we are going to keep is Joe. Joe is actually almost three so I don’t know if he counts as a puppy anymore. He’s Jake’s pride and joy and his best friend. Jake and Joe have known each other longer then I have known Jake. He’s an amazing dog and is really obedient.

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This next picture is funny because Joe was sitting very still for the picture, but for some reason my camera’s shutter speed was really slow. Jake thought I had taken the picture so he had Joe move and so the way the picture came out made Joe look like a ghost.


Cooper’s Drive-In Pictures

So I finally found my camera cord so now I can put some pictures up that I wanted to. Here are the pictures from Cooper’s Drive-In.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Cooper’s Drive-In

So Jake’s side of the family is completely opposite of mine, his family has all boys. So either way we are going to break tradition (I hope we break his, I’m not sure I can handle boys). Anyway, Wednesday was one of Jake’s Nephew’s birthday and so they decided to get the nephews together to have a party. They first went to Denny’s for dinner, but I missed that part. After Denny’s they went home and made a “Drive-In”. It was such a creative idea I had to blog about it. They took boxes and made cars out of them. Then they took these little trays and hooked them to the side of the box kind of like they used to do in 50s. Then they put the boxes around the TV and put on a double feature. I have pictures, but I can’t find the cord to download the pics onto my computer so you’ll see the pictures later.

Monday, October 4, 2010


So Saturday I went and took my bridals. Jenny and Michaelene helped me get ready and I looked gorgeous so thanks to you both (yes Mikey you helped). Then I met my mom and Linda at Grandma’s and we went up Mill Creek Canyon. We started at a waterfall which I thought was perfect for me, but because of the tall mountain the lighting we bad we moved to the other side of the canyon because the light was better. We found a cute bridge with some beautiful colorful leaves. I can’t wait to see the pictures. At the end Linda took some pictures of my ring. So yay I’ve got a good picture of my ring.

Ring 1